Happy New Yoga: Trying a new exercise for 2019

A new year usually ushers in new thoughts and high up in them are how best to get yourself into shape. Often trying something new is the best way to go as it will have the added attraction of maintaining your interest for that bit longer than exercise you have done in the past and failed to stick with.

If you haven’t tried it already, taking up yoga may be something to think about. It has many documented benefits, although a fair few misconceptions also surround this ancient practice.

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For a start, there is no particular body type for yoga, it is quite literally for all shapes and sizes. People also think that you have to fit and flexible to do yoga, and while this an ultimate goal of the exercise, it doesn’t have to be your starting point.

Yoga can seem a bit intimidating due to the amount of jargon associated with it, such as the names of the poses and the levels of classes, but it’s best to cut through all that and find a level you are comfortable at.

Anyway, it’s not just all about poses. Most yoga instructors will tell you that the key to yoga isn’t being able to pull your leg over the top of your head. One of the most vital components of yoga is actually breathing. Master your breathing and you’re halfway there.

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Yoga is great for reducing stress and combating depression and anxiety while it can improve strength, balance and flexibility.

For more inspiration about ideas for exercise in the new year check out the books at www.clubsfit.com.